Saturday 19 March 2011

Do you find this video relaxing?

Put the audio level low. This is an experimental video making use of our "orienting response reflex" by presenting to us new information every 2.5 seconds. During the "orienting response" which is a mental state in which most animal find themeselves when presented with something new, our heart rate is decreased and our brain blood vessels dialtes in order to increase our brain readiness to acquire information in order to react vis-à-vis this "something new". This vidéo is from ansgar1965 and is experimental (not tested, you are the cobayes. So what do you think? is it relaxing?)


  1. Sit in a confortable position, close your eyes and focus your attention to your breathing, don't try to control it, just observe that the air is flowing through your nose going down your lungs, feel the movement of your belly going up and down as you breath in and out.... do it for 5 minutes... whenever your mind drifts away just realise it is doing so and bring it back to your breathing... Do you feel relaxed? I do. May be you don't need something new every 2.5 s to get relaxed? ;)

  2. :-) What you describe works. The video of this post: no idea. I did not really try it actually but I find it interesting. I will try it when I will feel stressed. The pink noise in the background normally should work already by itself (if it was not constantly changing power). I use white noise for naps.
