It is composed of an actual diat and of some physical exercices. Both have a synergetical effect and needs to be combined for optimal results althought one of both component alone would already benefit you.
Where did I get it from? It is largely inspired from the scientific litterature on the subject and from various books I read.
Why does it work? Because it mimiks the livestyle of hunter-gatherers.
These poeple are modern hunter-gatherers. I.e. poeple living like we lived 10.000 + years ago, before agriculture. Do they look fat? Do they look weak?
We are the result of a darwinian evolution that extends back a billion year and hominids were living like hunter-gatheres for millions of years. Only recently did our diet and habits start to change. Our bodies and especially our metabolism did not have the time to adapt much at all! Only VERY recently did we not need to move anymore to make a living (the widespread use of cars is not much older thatn 60 years old). Only VERY recently did we start to eat refined sugar (present in Europe only since the crusaders brought it from Arabia in the 12th century) and only since less than 50 years do we eat that much sugar!
The actual diet:
1/physical exercices
You need to make sport a minimum of 4 times 30 minutes per week in order for your body to work in a "fat burning regime". Preferably, you should make sport 7 times 30 minutes per week. Which sport? If you are young and not overly overweighted (BMI* below 25), jogging is perfect. Have you ever seen a fat long distance runner? If you are older (50+) or overly overweighted you can start by walking fast.
The idea is to maintain yourself around a certain heartbeat which assures you that you sufficiently exercice your body but that you remain in a aerobic regime.
For this purpose, make the following test: run 10 minutes on a flat road making three steps/breath, then measure your heartbeat. This is the heartbeat you should try to maintain for 30 minutes.
Endurence weightlifting can replace running. For instance, make 6 series of 8 different exercices with 1 minute of rest between each series. The weights should be light enough for you to stand the complete 6 series.
2/actual diet
Eat whenever you want and as much as you want (no kidding), however: better to stick to three meals and to stop when you are not hungry anymore.
AVOID FAST SUGAR (and especially fructose contained a.o. in sucrose and high fructose syrop).
When you eat glucose, your brain can use part of it as fuel, your body can use it easily, your feeling of hunger diminish and if you eat too much of it (that is VERY quickly the case), your body produces the insuline necessary to bring you blood concentration in sugar back to BELOW the normal. That's why you feel so weak after sweets.
Around 20% of your calorie intakes from glucose will become FAT.
When you eat fructose, your brain cannot use it, your feeling of hunger is not diminished, your insuline protectino system is not triggered and 90% of your calorie intakes from fructose will become FAT.
Sucrose (i.e. common table sugar) contains 50% fructose and 50% glucose. The fat you make by eating sugar can only get rid off by physical exercises.
Avoid excess of fat, especially saturated fats. Try to eat wild animal which have a better balance omega3/omega6.
Eat mainly proteins. Soy beans and linces are excellent. Lean meat is good too. Only eat what a hunter gatherer could find, i.e. no corn flakes (check the composition, you will be surprised of the sugar content of standard corn flakes), no cookies, processed food in general. Eat meat, fish, grains, fruits and vegetables. Fructose from fruits is in low dose and couple with very useful fibers and vitamines, don't be afraid of it.
Use slow sugars as an energy source. You may eat them as much as you want/need but mostly the morning and for lunch. You do not need energy to go to bed!
In a nutshell: exercice, eat no fast sugars aside from fruits, eat less fat, eat more proteins and do not eat too much fast/slow sugar the evening.
*BMI = your weight (Kg) divided by the square of your height (meters)
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