Monday 21 February 2011

Halal meat

We in Belgium can be proud of our tolerance. Halal food is clearly a progress. We are still lucky that we do not have Aztecs in our country otherwise we would soon tolerate ritual human sacrifices or wouldn't we? Muslim friends, are you sure that Muhammad would not have used the stunner if it was available to him at that time?
It seems that for some religious people, once things have been put on paper in holly scripture, it cannot be altered anymore. Doesn't that represent a serious hindrance for any progress? Why do you think Allah would be unhappy if he did not get his service of animal suffering?
Am I missing something?

There was also recently news of a new halal kriek "sultane". Since nobody suffers unnecessarily in the process (and since I actually like better alcohol-free beers ;-) ), I say why not.

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