The following information is derived from the most recent scientific data.
Each exercise of a workout is typically performed in a number of
sets of
repetitions of this movement with or without a
load (e.g. additional weight in the form of a barbell or dumbells).
Repetitions are performed without interuptions or with a short interuption.
set is composed of 1 or more
repetitions of a same exercise. A pause of at least 30 seconds is marked between two sets.
1RM is your record load for one repetition of one exercise. 5RM is the highest load with which you succeed to make 5 repetitions of one exercise.
The following parameters are important and will be discussed:
1)Which exercises?
2)How to perform each exercise?
3)With which load?
4)How many sets of repetitions and how many repetitions in a set?
5)How much rest between two sets?
6)How many days of rest between two workout?
7)What to do during rest days?
8)What to eat?
9)How much sleep?
1)Which exercises?
The Best exercise is the
squat. It is the most complete workout for the lower body and it is a full body workout. It is the exercise that triggers the biggest release of anabolic hormones in the blood. As a result, this exercise has a synergetic effect on all other exercises.
The squat can typically be performed without weights, with a barebell or with dumbells. The barebell permits to lift more weight but requires a spotter (somebody ready to help you if you get stuck under the bar) or a security cage. The dumbells do not permit do lift as much weight due to the limited force you have in your hands to sustain the dumbells. However, the dumbells are safer since it is easy to release them in case of problems.
A close second is the
deadlift which is an excellent full body workout
The best exercise for the upper body is the
military press
2) How to perform each exercise?
Good form is important to avoid injuries. Injuries can be dramatic so it is of the uttermost importance to have a trainer explain to you the right form for each exercise or that at least you watch several tutorial on the internet.
The concentric move (e.g. for the squat, when the legs are extended to lift the weight) must be perfomed as fast as possible. The excentric move must be slower.
It is benefical to take a 4 seconds pause between the excentric and the concentric part of a movement.
3) Which load?
endurance: 45 to 60% of 1RM
preparation to hypertrophy or force (one month of preparation is advised to prepare your joints and ligaments if you are a beginner): 60% of 1RM
hypertrophy: 70-82.5% of 1RM
force: 85%+ of 1RM
4)How many sets of repetitions and how many repetitions in a set?
For hypertrophy or force, always do c.a. 25 repetitions divided in a certain number of sets. Said otherwise, the number of sets time the number of repetitions in a set must be c.a. 25.
rep * set = 25
For instance 5 sets of 5 repetitions or 2 sets of 12 repetitions or 8 sets of 3 repetitions.
load should be chosen so that performing the last repetition of the last set is very hard but doable.
2 sets * 12 reps @70% of 1RM, or
3 sets * 8 reps @75% of 1RM, or
4 sets * 6 reps @80% of 1RM
force (@85-100% of 1RM):
6 sets of 4 reps, or
8 sets of 3 reps, or
12 sets of 2 reps, or
25 sets of 1 rep.
5 sets of 5 reps @ 82.5% of 1RM is an excellent compromise between force and hypertrophy
5)How much rest between two sets?
hypertrophy: short pauses (30 s to 2 min)
force: longer pauses (2 min to 4 min)
6)How many days of rest between two workout?
1 or 2
7)What to do during rest days?
nothing or stretching or light exercises (e.g. working out the forearms) or light cardio.
8)What to eat?
Eat plenty. Make sure to eat enough proteins. Whey protein isolate powders can help. Avoid fast sugar such as sucrose. Don't avoid fat (except trans fat).
9)How much sleep?
7.5 hours is a minimum for most people.